Pass prices

  • We are committed to respecting the balance between leaders and followers, in class and at parties.
  • We also advise you, if possible, to register as a couple!
  • But your registration and payment will guarantee the price of your pass at the time of your registration. You will be fully refunded if no solution is found.
  • Ladies can register as a leader in the Event Pass only if they have at least 1 WSDC Novice point as a leader.
  • Ladies can register as a leader in Full Pass without having WSDC points.
  • In both cases, they can only register alone as a leader.
  • If you think that your case is special and that these rules do not suit you, contact us!
  • 20€ discount on the French Full pass by staying in the event hotel.
  • You can book your studio at the same time as your pass.
  • All pass prices include 20% VAT



For participants who are not yet registered:

🚨 L2 FULL. Waiting list open in case of cancellation
⛔️ L3 FULL. Waiting list open in case of cancellation
⚠️ L4 There is still for 1 single leader.
⚠️ L5 There is still for 2 couples and 2 single leaders.
✅ There is still place for event passes (Parties + compét) but don’t delay!

Pass 1 day & Parties


Payment method

  • By transfer on to the following bank account : 44 Danse Studio (
  • Attention New IBAN On behalf of: 44 Danse Studio : FR76 1380 7004 5533 1218 2743 194 / BIC : CCBPFRPPNAN) Thank you to write the transfer in the following way : Westy Nantes + Last Name + First name if different from account
  • By Cash on site You can pay on site in cash but you must provide proof of your trip by email with your plane or train ticket.


  • No refund can be made following a cancellation on your part for any reason whatsoever. (Except in cases of force majeure ex confinement)
  • However, you can transfer your pass to another person of the same gender same level with the agreement of the organizer until March 29, 2024.